Career Transitions: Creating a New Reality

Pre-conference day, June 1, 9:00-4:00


When we are in transition it is an opportunity to let go of old assumptions, beliefs, ways of being and connect with spirit. From spirit, we create a new reality that brings us more fulfillment and meaning. And it is "Your Process" It can't be rushed, the inner journey comes first. Follow your own guidance. Honour your process.


Stories Power of Stories, remembering our spirit
Coaching The power of Coaching to move you through life's transitions
(Concurrent coaching session with ICF coaches throughout the day)
Drama & Fun The Permanent Cat: stage play written by Peter Gardiner-Harding, Focus
Group/Dramatic Solutions (adapted from "Brave Work", by Michelle Tocher)
Workbook Capture thoughts in workbook throughout day.
Resources available for transition process.


International Coach Federation Coaches


1. Letting Go of the Old Reality
2. Moving Through the Neutral Zone
Balance Process
Be present to where we are right now while we are future focussed
3. Creating a New Reality


8:30 - 9:00 

Registration for seminar and for free ½ hr. session with Personal Life Coach

9:00 - 9:15 

Welcome, introduce the theme, the transition process and our message and methodology.

9:15 - 9:30 

A transition story: using your experience to connect with spirit and create a new reality.  Heather Skelton

9:30 - 9:45

Introduce the power of coaching in making a successful transition.  Bev Knox. ICF Chapter Host-Toronto

9:45 - 10:15 

Letting Go of the Old Reality.
The Permanent Cat (Drama). Darlene Russell & Peter Gardiner-Harding
When Mr. Tibbs' mistress shows him the door, it's up to Ali Cat to coach him through the transition from life on the inside to life on the wild side.
Act I - Letting go of "the permanent cat".

10:15 - 10:30 

BREAK (concurrent coaching sessions begin)
10:30 - 11:00  Letting Go of the Old Reality (continued).  Darlene & Peter
Act II - As he makes the transition from "the permanent cat" to "the sleek grey mouser", Mr. Tibbs sees a whole new world of opportunity open up before him.
11:00 - 12:00  Moving through the Neutral Zone:  Building a Strong Personal Foundation. Creating Inner Strength and Balance.  Heather Skelton
12:00 - 12:15  BREAK - get lunch
12:15 - 1:15  Open Mike Coaching by a panel of three coaches
1:15 - 1:30  BREAK
1:30 - 2:30  Living Your Values. Bev Knox
2:30 - 3:45  Creating a " Purpose-Centered Life."  Judit Szabo
Do you yearn for a deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment in your life?  If "yes: then perhaps you are ready to create a "purpose-centered" life - a life that liberates and honours your true self.  Sharing the spirit. How do you propel your life purpose into your professional life? Listen to "real" people share their inspiring stories of how they created and manifested their "purpose centered" vocations.
3:45 - 4:00  Close.


International Coach Federation (ICF) Coaches


Heather Skelton MoneyVision
Darlene Russell LifeScapers
Judit Szabo Vessels of Vision
FAX: 416-444-8781
TO REGISTER  (No Charge).  To register please provide:  name, address, phone no., email address, and please indicate that you would like to attend the "Career Transitions" session.


FAX: (416) 482-9969