
Reflexology is a natural, healing therapy based on the principle that reflexes in the hands and feet correspond to every part, organ and gland in the body.
By applying specific, pressured massage to these reflexes, experts can trigger the body to correct imbalances; to stimulate or calm underactive or overactive areas; to cleanse and revitalize. Reflexology's overwhelming benefit is reducing stress -- a root cause in up to 90 percent of illnesses. Reflexology is also excellent preventive therapy. A thorough hand-and-foot massage is a marvelous way of reviving tired or jaded spirits and bodies. Such massage will also release congestion in the body resulting from stress, bad diet or lack of sleep.
For a relaxing reflexology treatment as well as a pedicure, call Yvonne Osondu at Reflexology & Shiatsu Services of Toronto, 416 482 4137.
Yvonne is a Reflexologist practicing in Toronto. She was trained and certified by the Reflexology Association of Canada, and is studying Zen Shiatsu to increase her awareness of bodywork and therapies.