In our new Fall 2000 workshop program...


The Way of the Heart
With Marie-Andrée Michaud
Date: December 6, 2000 (Wednesday Evening)
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Date: December 9, 2000 (Saturday Morning)
Time: 10:00 to 1:00 PM
The Way of the Heart

At the root of all conscious doing is being who we really are. "We may get to a point where our external labors and the opus of the soul are one and the same, inseparable. Then the satisfactions of our work will be deep and long lasting, undone neither by failures nor by flashes of success." Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul.

Since the true teacher is found within everyone of us, this workshop is a privileged time and space to be with ourselves, to know and befriend ourselves, to say yes to the gift of our being in its shadow as well as in its light.

This is a primarily experiential workshop blending meditation, gentle movement, art and/or writing exploration as well as sharing.

In its simplicity, freedom and reverence for life, this workshop can profoundly healing. It can help us to become more compassionate with ourselves and others at work as well as clearer in our choices and decision-making processes.

Where: BAHA'I Centre, 288 Bloor Street West between Spadina and St. George, Toronto

Your Workshop Facilitator: Marie-Andrée Michaud

Marie-Andrée Michaud is a broadcaster, writer, speaker and facilitator. She has hosted national radio programs for the CBC's French network, Radio Canada. She published two books on the subject, the most recent one called La Voie du Coeur (The Way of the Heart) which is in the process of being translated in English. She has given conferences in Toronto and Montreal and has conducted a series of workshops last spring in Toronto. Marie-Andrée will be an interviewer-on-stage at the Toronto International Festival of Authors at Harbourbront in the fall. She will also offer a new series of workshops and is currently writing a third book on spirituality.

Fees: Suggested donation, $40.00

The workshop leaders are donating their time, and the revenues are needed to operate the Centre for Spirituality at Work, a volunteer non-profit organization whose mission is supporting individuals in transforming the experience and outcomes of work.

To register: Please send an e-mail to: Marie-Andrée Michaud at:

Contact Information:

Marie-Andrée Michaud

Last updated Nov 29/00