About the Faith-Ethics Workshop

(A2) Faith Perspectives on Ethics
Workshop co-leaders: Hazel Markwell, Michael Deck.
Ethics, simply put, is about conforming one's behaviour to "the good". After that, the questions get harder: What is "the good"? What is really worthwhile? Whether in business, medicine or any other aspect of life, our moral character is judged as much on what we value as on what we do in pursuing that value.
People of faith often find that the good to which they are committed is not the standard by which their performance is measured. The workplace presents challenges to, and places boundaries on, our best intentions.
Taking the experiences and insights of the speakers as a starting point, participants will explore ways to stay on the path even when the roadsigns get switched and fellow travellers get unruly.

About the Pre-conference Stewardship Workshop

Co-presenters: Heather Ramsey and Michael Deck
Tue. Jun. 1, 1999
Introduced by Michael Deck; facilitated by Heather Ramsey.
Presentations by:
Deirde LeBel, Bridgehead (social justice)
Michael Mitchelli, Cadillac Fairview (the biggest single environmental investment in Canada -- retrofitting the lights in the TD Centre)
Stephen Voisin, Royal Bank (Employee Volunteer Program).
Theme presented by Michael Deck:  Stewardship: How to Put Spirit to Work
In response to requests from last year's participants in the Spirituality in the Workplace Conference for more focus on how to put spirit to work at work, we have designed an entire day to address the stewardship issue.
Questions that will be answered include:
  • What does it look like when organizations start to act on their values?
  • How have some companies already had success in this?
  • What benefits have they experienced that will encourage more organizations to do the same?
  • What can you learn from them and your colleagues about gaining greater commitment to action within your circle of influence?
The workshop will open with a discussion of what it means to be a steward and how the idea of stewardship fits with other spiritual and ethical issues.
We will spend the majority of the day focusing on three main areas in which stewardship and organizational values can manifest themselves -- community service, environmental sustainability and social justice. Companies who have made progress in these areas -- such as Bridgehead Trading and Royal Bank -- have been invited to share their stories with us. Throughout the day, we will be discussing and integrating how you can create greater commitment and action in your workplace.
To register, please email a "yes" with name, company, title, phone and email address to Debbie Wehrle by May 28: deborah.wehrle@ca.pwcglobal.com.