More about Linsay and David Cornfield

Linsay and David Cornfield work within a spiritual perspective based on the premise that at every moment there is some work you are meant to be doing. And it is by doing that work that you generate the motivation, the enthusiasm, the resources and the satisfaction you need to be productive and successful.
Their training and life experience is broad and diverse.
David has been a waiter, a salesperson, a yoga teacher, a massage therapist, a policy adviser to the Federal Minister of Justice, a member of the teaching staff at York University's Osgoode Hall Law School, a transpersonal and expressive psychotherapist, a career counselor, a business coach and a writer. He is a regular contributor to Eye for the Future Magazine and a consultant to its editorial board. He has also written for Why and Kabbalah magazines.
Linsay has been a salesperson, a caterer, a professional actor, a certified adult educator, a transpersonal and expressive psychotherapist, a career counselor, a business coach and an organizational development consultant. Her special interest lies in the creative and expressive arts. As co-founder of Portable Theatre, and later as a member of Sponte, (an improvisational troupe), she created educational theatre and workshops for clients such as the United Nations and CIDA. She has designed and delivered courses at Humber College and Kikkawa College, and has acted as a consultant to both the private and public sectors.
Both Linsay and David have thriving practices as psychotherapists working with individuals, couples and groups. They see their work as helping people in the ongoing life process of soul-making.
About Linsay and David's workshop at this conference
When Andy Warhol put a soup tin inside a frame, he helped us notice the extraordinary inherent within the ordinary. In the same way, ritual can energize and transform our experience of work so that we remember and/or discover the meaningful and the sacred in the mundane details of the tasks we do from day to day. Come and participate in the power of ritual to highlight meaning, purpose and significance in our work.