The Centre for Spirituality at Work


The Divine at Work!

4 Mondays: Nov 17 to Dec 8,
12:15 to 1:15 pm, brownbag lunch
Church of the Redeemer, Toronto
NE corner of Bloor and Avenue Rd, downstairs


Join a small group for reflective conversation about the divine in your work: Making workspace sacred; Rituals that work at work; Meaning at work; and Trusting divine wholeness at work. We will have four facilitated Monday noontime conversations based on guidelines developed by the Rev. Whitney Roberson for her Spirituality at Work ministry in the Episcopal Diocese of California. It is amazing how her approach can lead us to real depth and meaning in a short time, as those will attest who were part of our three previous series on "Time", "Money", and "Meaning-Making " ....

Four Mondays, Nov. 17 to Dec. 8 , 12:15 to 1:15, brownbag lunch
Church of the Redeemer, N/E corner of Bloor St. & Avenue Rd., downstairs.
$20 for the series

If you can join us for the four conversations, or for at least three, please REGISTER by Nov. 13, Centre for Spirituality at Work, Box 100, 162 Spruce St., Toronto, M5A 2J5, or 416-482-9175.

Centre for Spirituality at Work
Transforming the experience and outcomes of work
Last updated Nov 4/03