The Centre for Spirituality at Work


Dr. Anne Simmonds


4 Tuesdays, 12:15 to 1:15pm
Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 2003
Metropolitan United Church, at Queen & Church Streets
, Toronto


So much to do; so little time in which to do it! This seems to be the lament of modern life. How can we learn to take care of ourselves so that we not only have something to give to others but also experience peace and joy in being alive?

Take a break, come dressed as you are, and join us. You will experience a variety of easily learned self-care practices and simple movements that will help you with balance and healing of Body Mind and Spirit at work or at home. In these gentle practices, you will take the time to listen and care for your body-self. You will learn to release and prevent physical effects of chronic stress, allowing space to be in touch with your Spirit.

We will gather in the peaceful sanctuary of Metropolitan United Church at the northwest corner of Church and Queen Streets, just east of Yonge Street.

Dr. Anne Simmonds, our leader, is a former nurse and chaplain and is currently half-time Minister - Pastoral Care at Rosedale United Church in Toronto. She is a spiritual counsellor, educator and facilitator. She has recently completed a year-long training in Body Mind Spirit Practices.


Pre-registrations for the series, received by Friday Oct. 24, are $30 payable to Centre for Spirituality at Work, Box 100, 162 Spruce Street,Toronto M5A 2J5. Or leave at the church office, Attention: John Joseph Mastandrea.
Register for the series at the first session for $35. Or pay as you go, $10 per session.

This program is offered by Metropolitan United Church ( and the Centre for Spirituality at Work (

Centre for Spirituality at Work
Transforming the experience and outcomes of work
Last updated Oct 16/03